The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7873   Message #741763
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
03-Jul-02 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Mary don't you weep--meaning
Subject: RE: Mary don't you weep--meaning
It is handy to have multiple versions in a thread if the object is discussion. Saves juggling screens to the DT or link.
Martha gets a mention in this thread. There are a number of Mary and Martha spirituals. Thread 30625: Ring Them Golden Bells
In the DT, "Lazarus" mentions Mary and Marthy.
"Tone the Bell Easy" in the DT also mentions Mary and Martha.
I will start a thread on Mary and Martha spirituals. I think this is the best way to handle them. None including both names in the title are in the DT as yet.