The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49146   Message #741907
Posted By: GUEST,solidliquid
03-Jul-02 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: Bob Wills question
Subject: RE: Bob Wills question

Thanks for clearing that up. I've been trying to learn that Jr. Bernard type solo, but so far, it has eluded me. (Like so much more). The "Domino" reference I believe refers to Floyd Domino, who was the piano player. I, too, love the "with a razor" comment. I've got the "Ride With Bob" CD from Asleep at the Wheel, and it is a truly GREAT recording. I love the version of "Milk Cow Blues on that album with Tim McGraw and Ray Benson swapping lead vocals, and a TREMENDOUS guitar solo by Tommy Allsup. Floyd Domino plays on that album, and at the end of "Maiden's Prayer", Benson does the "Domino!" thing. Another high point: "Roly Poly" with the Dixie Chicks, starting off with Benson and Gimble (I believe) playing a two part harmony intro at breakneck speed. One of the best albums I've ever bought. For what it's worth, when I first started listening to Wills with all his little vocal asides and "aah-yeahs", it got on my nerves, but now I think it's cool. Wills was a true innovator, and I don't think we'll see his like again. Thanks for all the comments.

