The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7873   Message #742114
Posted By: greg stephens
04-Jul-02 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Mary don't you weep--meaning
Subject: RE: Mary don't you weep--meaning
Well without wishing to participate in some religious row, this rock that Moses stood on. We've had suggestions it was the mountain he went up to get the ten commandments, or then again where he stood when he parted the Red Sea.I'd like to add two more. Didnt he strike a rock to get water? (My bible reading is a little in the past, I'm afraid, so I'm willing to be corrected). But surely the best candidate, the definitive rock he stood "on" as opposed to " beside", was Pisgah. He stood on it to look down onthe Promised Land, and was told his people would get there, but that he would die before crossing the river. That's the rock I'd expect Leadbelly and co to be singing about, the point from which you could see the Promised Land.