The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4816   Message #742327
Posted By: Mark Cohen
04-Jul-02 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: Folk songs appropriate for medical students
Here's one that I wrote when I was a medical student. I don't believe I've posted them before. It's a parody of "Fair Margaret and Sweet William", which I believe is a Child ballad; I'll leave it to Masato or one of the other scholars to figure out which! Warning: not for the faint-hearted.

[A brief explanation: My medical school, Penn State U.'s Hershey Medical Center, was a gleaming white building that was built in the middle of a cornfield outside Hershey, Pennsylvania (Chocolate Town, USA), so from a distance it really does look a bit like a magic castle. Anyone who's been to a major medical center won't need any more explanation of the song. Oh...3rd and 4th year medical students in the hospital were called "clinical clerks".]

lyrics (c)1976 Mark Cohen, tune trad (Fair Margaret and Sweet William)

Sir John awoke on a gray morning, he felt so terribly bad
"I have a pain in my belly," he said, "the worst I've ever had"

He dragged himself out of his bed and found his friend William Brown
"Oh, take me to that white castle now, that stands in Hershey Town"

"Oh have no fear, Sir John dear friend, oh have no fear" said he
"I'll take you to that magic castle now, and better you'll soon be"

"Oh take me there with haste, my friend, for I am terribly sore"
He gave a cry that cracked the sky, and then he gave one more

They rode so fast and they rode so far, the castle soon they spied
But they had to go through a twisted maze, before they got inside

The signs they misdirected them, the door was very well hid
Sir John stopped once to bring up his lunch, and was quite glad he did

At last they came upon the door, but when they stepped within
A demon there was sitting in a chair, on its face an evil grin

"Oh demon what want you of us?" said William bold and brave
"My friend Sir John is so very ill, he's almost in his grave"

"It is not much I want of you," the demon said with a smirk
"Your name, your age, your next of kin, where you live, and where you work

Then you must fill out all these forms, and press full hard with your pen
Sign here, and here, and also here" -- Sir John threw up again

They took Sir John into a room, and thirteen people came in
And each one had a different idea of what was wrong with him

Said one, "Let's have him swallow this tube, and then I'll look within"
Said another, "No, the only way we'll know is by opening up his skin"

Then up there spoke a third-year clerk: "Sir, when was your last stool?"
"Why, four days ago," said good Sir John, "and I'm regular, as a rule"

The clerk then donned his rubber glove, the rest you surely can guess
Said a happy Sir John, "Of all you wise men here, this young one is the best"

I'll end my story here and now, but please remember my friend
The third-year clerk who saved the day, with a finger in...The End
