The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49207   Message #742593
Posted By: Genie
04-Jul-02 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: Happy Fourth of July, USA
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
Thanks, Murray!  I just got through serenading the old folks with "Stars & Stripes Forever"  (the whole thing) on my kazoo, so I'm done performing for the day and settled in to watch the fireworks  on the TV and check out "A Capitol Fourth" and the ABC special to see if the 'controversial' C/W songs are missed.  Actually, we Yanks should thank ol' George the 3rd, because if he hadn't treated us so badly, we'd maybe still be part of the Empire, eh?  
And where would the NFL  and the NBA be??

What you said, Jerry R.  And Deda.

BTW,  is McYank a term that reflects the worldwide spread of the Hamburglar and his buddies?

Pooka, what you said about "libertarians."  One area where I shudder to thinkg what would happen if they won out is that of environmental protection.  Another is that of food and drug quality regulation.

Anyway, you US fo'ks, go out and shoot a few (fireworks,that is)!  Happy Independence Day!

(not to be confused with InObu's Genie)