The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49207   Message #742662
Posted By: GUEST,DW at work
05-Jul-02 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: Happy Fourth of July, USA
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
"Thanks, Mates! There's really a lot to celebrate over here, despite some recent stuff going on. There are many countries where, if you said the stuff about the government there that's said on Mudcat, they'd take your hands off at the wrists." Jerry

And they'd throw away the wrong bit!

Spare a thought for all those poor guys in law enforcement and security who didn't get the holiday, didn't get to suck down some beer and had to go stamp on the fireworks. People are still out there picking up the pieces.

I'll get my holiday round about late September. Still, as long as no-one gets shot.