The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49249   Message #743059
Posted By: GUEST
05-Jul-02 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
According to the latest AP story at

Israeli officials do consider Hesham Mohamed Hadayet to be a "terrorist."

For it's part, the FBI now says, "we are not ruling out hate crime. We are not ruling out terrorism."

The FBI is also reporting that Hesham Mohamed Hadayet had at least two different California driver's licenses with different names and birthdates and that he went to LAX for the express purpose of killing. He carried two guns, a knife and lots of extra ammo.

The people that Hesham Mohamed Hadayet murdered were both Jewish. Victoria Hen was 25 and was an El Al ticket agent. Yaakov Aminov was 46. He was a jeweler and father of eight children who was at the airport to drop off a friend.

One of the people that Hesham Mohamed Hadayet missed killing was the granddaughter of Israeli Foreign Minister (and former Prime Minister) Shimon Peres, who co-won the Nobel Peace Prize with Itzhak Rabin for his efforts to make peace with the Palestinians.