The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49030   Message #743235
Posted By: SlickerBill
06-Jul-02 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: Help! Open Stage and C**p performers
Subject: RE: Help! Open Stage and C**p performers
Now, I know what is meant here by "good" vs "bad" singing and all, but recently I was at a session where a comment got me to thinking. I was about to do a Neil Young cover, and stopped to tune (it was outdoors) and made some comment to that effect. And some guy says " No matter; it's Neil Young". Now I know this guy and I realized that to him "good" singing is pretty much the crap you hear on pop radio, all oo baby, no substance. To this guy, and MANY people like him Neil and Bob and Steve Earle and all these people are crap. Personally I think the guy doesn't know what's good, but that's just me. I guess there's singin' and there's singin';).

All that aside, quandary, kudos to you for all you do for your local scene. Watch yourself though; don't burn out. I would say with all you do, that earns you the right to make the calls. I think you give em a chance, but a limited one. And you're nice and polite and give'em all the respect you'd give anybody, UNTIL they pull some of the crap you've mentioned above. See, I teach high school for a living: the way i see it, you give people respect, and yeah you cut people some slack here and there, but if they disrespect you the gloves come off baby. That way they learn to respect others. It's a two way street out there, and anybody that needs to learn that better bloody well hurry up and learn. There's nothing wrong with using your clout. "Good luck gettin' back up again", I'd say, and if they bugger off fine. If not, and they wise up, great. Maybe give em another go, but YOU say when and for how long. Good luck to ya. sb