The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29407   Message #743338
Posted By: Terry K
06-Jul-02 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: I say, I say, I say (Music Hall Closing)
Subject: RE: I say, I say, I say
Jeanie - in the next village to me the amdram group do a Music Hall every year. It's a local institution, complete with Leonard Sachs style MC, toasts to Her Majesty (Queen Victoria, of course) and all the usual foolery. I simply will not miss it (though I don't go to anything else they do). The tickets sell out completely even though it's on for 4 or 5 nights and people start to queue for tickets half way through the night to get a good table for the final Friday and Saturday performances. Most of the audience dress period style too.

They seem to come up with new acts every year, all based on Victorian songs, so I guess they must have their sources. If you are short of material, PM me and I will get on to the organisers and see what we can get for you.

cheers, Terry