The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23340   Message #744055
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
07-Jul-02 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Subject: RE: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
I think 'Guest' may have it wrong. Most 'Catters are musicians, some are performing, some are appreciating.
Not withstanding my earlier comments, I Do consider myself a 'musician' although my main instrument is 'voice', I have a fairly catholic knowledge of songs and of music.
I feel this is the opposite of the classic 'Marx' quote: "I wouldn't wish to belong to any club which would have me as a member'." The wish to be a 'Catter shows sufficient interest in the genre to identify someone as a musician. Even if the person "Couldn't carry a tune in a bucket" This is only my personal opinion!!!
