The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49293   Message #744248
Posted By: MudGuard
08-Jul-02 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: German 'Catters? Help with translation
Subject: RE: BS: German 'Catters? Help with translation
Another thing to consider:

The Grimm brothers lived in the late 18th, early 19th century (1785-1863/1786-1859), i.e. about 200 years ago.

And some of the stories the two collected are probably a bit older than that.

Could the German name for a guinea pig have changed from Meerhäschen to Meerschweinchen since then?
At the moment I do not know where to find a dictionary of German at that time...


PS: Mr. Red, I will have a look at your page tonight.