The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49387   Message #745161
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Jul-02 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Rick: Life, Cancer, Friends, Gigs, Stuff
Subject: Rick: Life, Cancer, Friends, Gigs, Stuff
Wow, what a roller coaster this year has been! For quite a while (at least the last couple of years) I'd been concerned about a lack of energy, and some related stuff, but agreed with the Docs that it was probably just a symptom of hittin' the 'fifties'. Five months ago a huge malignant tumour was found on one of my kidneys, and from the reaction of specialists it wasn't hard to project that I wouldn't be around for very long. I went through many X-rays, CT Scans, Ultrasounds and the like, but the bottom line was that the only possible option was a complete kidney removal, with a LOT of potential dangerous complications.

Scared shitless? Yes....and no. I've had one heck of an interesting ride, with far less heartbreak than many of the folks I've known. You hate to finally say "goodbye", but I'm a fairly adventurous type, and if there was a "next step", well.....I'm pretty curious. So, I was willing take that step without any recriminations. BUT....

I was recommended to a young hot-shot surgeon, named Neil Fleshner (who has quite an internet presence I discovered) who was willing to take on 'dangerous or radical' operations. I was told he was considered the best in Canada, and when I managed to get an operating date (four weeks ago) Heather and I kept our fingers crossed.

The operation went great, Dr. Fleshner got all the cancer, and I got a brand new life! I'm still in a state of manic happy I can barely describe it.

Spent three weeks in Sunnybrook Hospital with SEVEN TUBES STUCK IN ME! Various IVs, catheter (Ugh!), stomach tube, needles in the arms, yada, yada...and when they finally let me out four days ago, I didn't even wait for my ride....I took the bus home (!!) even though I'm down 40 POUNDS (fortunately I started from a not so svelte 210)...poor Heather....the nurses probably thought I'd been deserted, but I REALLY wanted out.

Well...I've got virtually no muscle tone, feel as weak as a baby.....but Boy am I happy. The conditioning will come back over the next few weeks and I want to thank the few folks who DID know what happened when I came out of that operating room, and phoned Heather and the hospital. (I didn't tell anyone, how bad things were becoming over the last few months, simply because I didn't know how)

Man, did I hate cancelling concerts...but I had to cancel a few, and students as well (there were times when I simply had no energy for long drives, or even teaching). Plus my Mudcatting hobby took a severe hit, and had dwindled down to almost nothing....sorry to those folks who asked for musical help and got ambiguous (short) PMs back asking for patience. I'll be on the case in a few days as the strength comes back.

Well, I guess some of us on the Cat REALLY belong to quite a "club", don't we? Hospitals can be a mite scary! yer vegetables, don't smoke, and DON'T brush off a pain in your side for several months as a "muscle pull" may be what I had....and my tardiness damned near killed me.

I'm SO glad to be checking out the Cat and the good people once more.

