The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10623   Message #74545
Posted By: dwditty
30-Apr-99 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: About Catspaw - please read.
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
Add my well-wishes to all the others. We will continue to hold Catspaw in our constant thoughts and prayers until his return.

I, too, am overwhelmed by my emotion reading Mick's post of the news. It occurs to me that the "purpose" of the Mudcat may be to provide a vehicle to deal with stuff like this. (The music ain'y bad, either.) I truly believe in the concept of energy. The Mudcat brings together incredible energy from all over the world. With all of us concentrating on 'Paws recovery, he really has no choice but to get better, and fast. For me, anyway, the 'Cat just cranked up a notch in importance in my life, as well as my love for you all - and this means you, too, Catspaw. Godspeed.