The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49387   Message #745492
Posted By: little john cameron
09-Jul-02 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Rick: Life, Cancer, Friends, Gigs, Stuff
Subject: RE: Rick: Life, Cancer, Friends, Gigs, Stuff
Jings!! Ye cannae get bugger aw past you ataw Fielding.This wis a select wee club we had oan the go here an' ye couldnae wait tae get in could ye?
Weel,noo that ye've gaun through the initiation ah suppose we'll hae tae late ye in. Noo,aboot the smokin,ye'll find efter a wee while that ye think a wee draw wid be awricht jist tae see if ye had it beat,or some ither rationalization.DON'T EVEN THINK ABOOT IT!!!!!Awbody'll tell ye,IT CANNAE BE DONE.
It is anither story in the ongoing Fielding saga.
Ah'll bet ye Alan is disappointed though as he probably needs his guitar tuned by this time.

Great news pal. John