The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49249   Message #746090
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jul-02 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
Mark in NH, is it the deaths of innocents that you are against, or just the deaths of innocent Jews? You seem to be entirely focused on deaths of innocents (Jews in particular) at the hands of Muslims, but you have not said anything about the innocents who were not Jewish who have died at the hands of Jewish extremists.

And that's a pretty glaring omission since for every innocent Jew who has died at the hands of Muslim extremists, there have been more than ten innocent non Jews who have died at the hands of Jewish extremists.

The only conclusion one can draw from your post is that you value the lives of Jews more than you value the lives of non Jews. And that would make you a Jewish supremacist.