The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49445   Message #746389
Posted By: IanC
11-Jul-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: Yet Another Alphabet Quiz
Subject: Yet Another Alphabet Quiz
Here's yet another whole alphabet of songs, tunes, writers, performers and people (real or imagined). As usual, I had to cheat a bit here and there (especially near the end of the alphabet).

A - The premier and his wife thought reports of the miller's death were much exaggerated.
B - He set out to sweep the world, but failed to get even a few flowers.
C - Small English comedian, dancing in the moonlight with the ladies from France.
D - The Rev. Williamson tucked up with a daughter ... one for Spaw!
E - Strangely enough she was a man, though she sank in December.
F - She certainly done him, even though he was her man.
G - Summertime writer has things in common with a transatlantic werewolf in France.
H - Seems to have escaped having a song written*, but then he did from most things.
I - His Molly is waiting, but it's some distance from London to where the heart lies.
J - After all your cruel treatment, you can still get drunk with him.
K - Collier's invention; Kate can't undo the lock.
L - Reluctant Big Mac heroine lifts her skirt.
M - Her name reels in Scotland, though the Irish seem less sure of her gender.
N - He can't do it himself though it's less than ten; you should apply to his sister.
O - Cyril's salesman has no pasties left, and it's still raining.
P - Starting from Derby, she now plays fife but it's an Irishman who fancies her.
Q - Harry's in mourning for Edward's mum; death from Caesar and six followed after.
R - Addison's knight dances nine to the eight and even Mr Fezziwig joins in.
S - The writer partakes of cold water, thinks of babies and then changes occupation.
T - Great casting ... the last of six in Christchurch, Oxford, and he is a she.
U - It wasn't from a black man, nor from a brown, so you can bet a sailor's been there.
V - Pragmatic priest suits many kings, though the law he owns is his alone.
W - Her sons have an urgent appointment at the break of day, so no chance of a meal!
X - Coloured containers ... suspended, but not indefinitely.
Y - Recent leisurely walk from loving the ladies at the fair.
Z - US president suspended from a chain of gold, move along there John!

* As far as I know.

Answers, as usual, on the forum. If you do as well as before, it should take about 2½ hours or so. Collaboration strongly encouraged and comments about songs, tunes, writers, performers (or anything else) welcomed.

Good luck. Ian