The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49249   Message #746413
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
11-Jul-02 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 115
GUEST you bone head. drill a hole and pour this into your thick skull.

Terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

One person, committing one act, on his own, can in no way be considered systematic. The lack of any stated goal of coersion by Mr. Hadayet also negates you coersion. The most likely scenerio is that it was a hate crime, Like Columbine or Dunblane. If evidence is found that he committed this crime as a part of some systematic plan under orders then the FBI will call it terrorism.

If your paranoid conspiracy even came close to the extent you would have us believe, the mid East conflict would be long over. With nearly a billion Moslems. There would be on the order on 50 suicide attackers for every jew.

Again. and I am sure I'm talking to the same person. How stupid are you? If you must Troll why can't you do it with just a little common sense?