The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49445   Message #746458
Posted By: IanC
11-Jul-02 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Yet Another Alphabet Quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Alphabet Quiz
Summary so far

A - Adam and Eve
B - Bonny Bunch of Roses (Napoleon Bonaparte)
C - Charlie Chaplin
D - Dainty Davie
E - Ellen Vannin
F - Frankie and Johnny
G - George Gershwin
H - Harry Houdini
I - ??
J - ??
K - ??
L - ??
M - Miss McLeod's Reel
N - Nine Times a Night
O - Oggy Man
P - Pretty Peggy O' Derby
Q - Queen Jane
R - Roger de Coverley
S - Spencer The Rover
T - ?? (need slightly more than Tom)
U - Underneath Her Apron
V - Vicar of Bray
W - Wife of Usher's Well
X - X Green Bottles
Y - Young Rambleaway
Z - (General) Zachary Taylor

4½ to go!
