The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49453   Message #746606
Posted By: catspaw49
11-Jul-02 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Nicknames
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
Well, I always refer to you as Leej, and whether you like it or not, it's the name I always think of you with! "Spaw" is about the only thing I've ever had actually as far as a nickname goes, and when talking to other 'Catters I find they use that more than my given name by about 50-1.

In 3D I never really had one that I recall except things I've called, "Fatboy" will fix it as soon as I can." I think part of that comes from the fact that my last name is Patterson and everyone calls people named Patterson, "Pat." So my parents, thinking ahead I suppose, simplified the issue by naming me Patrick. Boring ass story huh? Oh well...........I think it also has had the effect of me using a lot of names for people in conversation...."Slick" "Ace"...that sort of thing. The only person to ever use a name other than Pat is my friend Randy who always calls me "Loomis" old joke that we neither one can remeber the origins of...I think it started in jr. high when I started calling him "Ziffel."....also for reasons neither of us remember. That started it and it still goes on, more of a joke than a nickname though.
