The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49453   Message #746637
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
11-Jul-02 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Nicknames
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
While in high-school German class, we were all given "German" names. I was given the name Berthold (as in Brecht). The class clown chimed in with, "What was that name again? Bird-Hole?" So, I got saddled with the name "Bird-Hole", mercifully shortened to just "Bird" for a number of years. I still have friends to whom I am "Bird" or "Birdman". In fact, I wanted to be "Birdman" when I first joined Mudcat, but somebody else already had it.

More recently, some folks have started referring to my wife an me (Bruce & Susan) as "Broozer & Soozer". They think it's cute - I wish they would grow up.
