The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49358   Message #747014
Posted By: Bullfrog Jones
12-Jul-02 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: Is Neil Young a folk singer?
Subject: RE: Is Neil Young a folk singer?
Didn't say anybody was useless LH -- I just get the feeling that this discussion is a little uh... redundant? Neil Young is what he is. A damn fine songwriter and musician, a ...distinctive(!) singer, a contradiction -- a humanitarian who supported Reagan, a man who takes risks and sometimes fails but has got what it takes to keep on going for thirty-odd years in a fickle business without compromising his integrity. But is he a folk singer? Come on fercrissakes! As for something more useful, how about playing/singing/writing/or listening to music? And how did you trap me into extending this redundant discussion? Curse you and your devilish wiles, Little Hawk! :-}