The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49560   Message #748483
Posted By: bet
15-Jul-02 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: SanDiego gatherings
Subject: SanDiego gatherings
Last summer while visiting San Diego's Balboa Park on my last evening there we were entertained by a group of folk/bluegrass musicians. As we were leaving one member of the group invited us to an open mic on some Tuesday of the month in Mission Bay some place. Do any of you know more detailed info on this, such as where and what Tues. and the time this takes place? I will be going in LATE July and early August and thought it would be fun to reconnect with them. I didn't pay much attention last summer as we were leaving and I was sure I could remember everything. Of course I can't! Any other folk gatherings around there during that time would also be fun. How about Mudcatters there? bet