The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49453   Message #748656
Posted By: Bull Am
16-Jul-02 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your Nicknames
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
Not anything too exciting... In high school, for obvious reasons, I had many colorful appelations based on my hair do (or don't): 'fro, 'fro boy, 'fro man (rarely, I was only 14!), etc. More recently, during my stay in France, I had a nickname based upon the language and my religious/family background. In French, 'jeu de mot' means literally 'game of word', or, more accurately translated, 'word play'... When spoken, the phrase sounds like Jew de moh...My father, although non-practicing, is officially Jewish (his mother is jewish) and my mother is not at all, so although I bear proudly the last name Goldstein, I am not officially Jewish, despite everyone's assumptions. Thus, in France, my friends would tease, saying, "you're not really Jewish, you're only a Jeu de Mot...The name stuck.