The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49515   Message #750278
Posted By: Paddy Plastique
18-Jul-02 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy (Eric Bogle)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy
Ah, I'm forced to go away for a couple of days thanks to France Telecom cutting me
off and there's a 'Plastic Paddy' controversy on the boil... good stuff. I wouldn't
find the term offensive - in fact I extend it to all people born elsewhere who do
their best to let their genes shine through - some of my favourites are PPs -
Spike Milligan, Shane MacGowan, Swift - then all those fine men that have sweated their guts out
on a football pitch in the green - Heighway, Hughton, Houghton, Sheedy, Cascarino,
Aldridge, Galvin, MacAteer, Holland, Breen... the list is endless...
As to this duo, Pooka, you learn all the other ones, and I'll get working on 'If ye're Irish
Come Into the Parlour' - I believe it's an old music hall standard about ethnic sperm banks :->
Who mentioned 'good taste' back there ???