The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49515   Message #750316
Posted By: Bob Bolton
18-Jul-02 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy (Eric Bogle)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy
Ah Plastique Paddy!

I remember watching an episode of an English TV programme about a rambling chef (or was that a rambling BBC programme about...?) ... The Fat Man goes to .... Anyway there was a segment done in Argentina ... and he visited the descendants of Irish settlers who went to Argentina in the late 19th century.

I still have, etched into a sensitive spot in my brain, the image of two dark-eyed senhorinas ... in Irish National costume ... singing a wondefully Argentinian/Spanish-accented If You're Irish, Come into the Parlour!


Bob Bolton