The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49544   Message #751949
Posted By: GUEST
21-Jul-02 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Help: nic jones reissue
Subject: RE: Help: nic jones reissue
And a gong to Malcolm for stating the only point the matters here: does Celtic Music actually own the rights? Dave Bulmer, we know, has possession of the masters to the Leader catalogue. But when he bought them, did the rights come with them?

Presumably, there are people who know the definitive answer to that question. Very few, if any of us here, are among those who do have the definitive answer to that question. Rather, it is much more entertaining to engage in rumour mongering about it, so that is what we see happening here. A man everyone finds it very easy to hate, is routinely painted the villain, and a man everyone finds it easy to empathise with is routinely painted as a saint.

No legal issue in the music business is ever that simple though, is it? And Celtic Music, dastardly though Bulmer may be, must be doing something right, because it is still doing business under the name, and Bulmer hasn't stolen out of town in middle of the night. Yet.