The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49556   Message #752524
Posted By: Tig
22-Jul-02 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: Meet at the Edge?
Subject: RE: Meet at the Edge?
We're back home too. The Magician and I are totally Kn..... having spent both days at the festival massaging aching people - and watching them go away with happy faces :-) It was the first outing for the Ninja Massage Corporation. Watch out for us at more festivals, probably next year. Thanks a lot to Mrs Cobble and Gillie for acting as excellent receptionists.

Firecat ran the badge stall with the aid of Penelope Pitstop and Wibble (our handicapped kitties)instead of me. Of course The Badger did his share of looking after it too.

None of us got to see many of the guests but I did sneak away to listen to fellow 'cat Dan Keding. He was superb as usual. The good news is he has a new CD of stories out in a couple of weeks because he doesn't get to this side of the pond often enough.

Yes, Mrs Lemon, I do tend to agree about the price of the catering, but many years of attending the Edge has taught me to take (at least some of) my own food. Next weekend it will be late night butties at Moor and Coast.

See you at Warwick - I'm back being a Badger then. Don't forget to come and sign the sheet. We're not sure how many of us there were at the Edge.