The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49730   Message #753448
Posted By: Bobert
23-Jul-02 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: FEMALE BS: quit HRT yet?
Subject: RE: FEMALE BS: quit HRT yet?
Danged, so this is what it's like to be the woman's room. Purdy scarey. Ahhhhhhh, hi.

Ummmmmm, ahhhhhhhh, like my wife, the P-Vine, hooked up with on e of the best woman docs in the wealthy Northern Virginia area and well, there was some bone density issues and a history of breast cancer on her mother's side. Well, this doc perscribed "Triest" which is a natural HRT cream which she puts on either her wrists ot thighs once a day.

Since using the cream, the hot flashes have vanished and I'z here to say that, well, ummmmmm, hmmmmmmm, all the other stuff works just fine. (Oh, that is the most emabaressin' thing I even posted over her the Catland...)

Well, that's the end of my male post. Think I'll just back out of this ladies room while I can....
