The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2076   Message #7541
Posted By: Max D. Spiegel
26-Jun-97 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Tune up: Virtual Folk Circle
Subject: Tune up: Virtual Folk Circle
I noticed another thread that had a fantasy folk cicle going, and someone mentioned to send a tape around to create it. Good Idea, but I got a better one.

We made the investment to get a Real Audio Server, and can put up real music with no download time. The quality is not perfect, but it is stereo, and has come a long way. Check out to get an idea of the quality. I recorded those for 28.8 connections and can adjust to fit the demographics.

Do you think enough of us have sound cards and 28.8 for it to be worth it?

Anyway, those who know how to record or encode their music on their computers can encode and label them themselves and email or ftp them to me and I'll put them in a "Mudcat Folk Juke Box" on the net. How many songs in the database do you think we could get? We cannot (yet) put published music up (copyright), but we can do covers and our own songs.

If you have a pc with a soundcard, you can download the Real Audio Encoder for free and encode anything live, through your soundcards input or you microphone. I just send my amp's output into the soundcard and it sounds great. You could patch your cassette deck into the audio card just the same. Radio Shack has every wire you could ever need. You may need a converter or two.

Those without sound cards, pc's or anything else neat can send tapes to others who do get set up and they can encode them and email or ftp them to me. I'll try to do my share of encoding if there is interest in this, but I would like some volunteers to help me out.

I figure if we stay to the old stuff or songs that we know we wouldn't get sued for, we should be alright. All tapes and Real Audio Files must be accompanied with any copyright info. If you can't find it, keep looking. Stay away from modern and popular stuff (major label) because that will likely kill the project.

Any other thoughts? What do you think?