The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49700   Message #754129
Posted By: johnross
24-Jul-02 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Science Fiction Folksongs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Science Fiction Folksongs
"Green Hills" was dramatized several times for radio. The version in the old NBC "X Minus One" series used the melody from "Willow Garden".

Another good source of Science Fiction folk songs is "The Space Child's Mother Goose", which you can probably find at the library.

In about 1994, a bunch of us did a "computer folk songs" workshop at the Folklife Festival in Seattle. Among the songs we found were a lot of parodies including Zeke Hoskins' "Ghost Program in the Drive" and Mudcatter mg's "Boeing Chantey". I think we taped that workshop. The tape will probably surface sometime in the next couple of years as we copy all those tapes to digital.