The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1393   Message #754813
Posted By: Hecate
26-Jul-02 - 05:13 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Mist-Covered Mountains of Home
I picked up a version online - try this.

Ho, ro, soon will I see them,
Ho, he-ro, see them, oh, see them,
Oh, ro, soon will I see them,
The mist covered mountains of home.

Soon will I visit the place of my birth.
They'll give me a welcome, the warmest on earth,
So loving and kind full of music and mirth,
The sweet sounding language of home.

Soon will I gaze on the mountains again,
On the fields and the hills and the birds in the glen,
With a people of courage beyond human ken.
In the haunts of the deer will I roam.

Hail to the mountains with summits of blue,
To the glens with their meadows of sunshine and dew,
To the women and men ever constant and true,
Ever willing to welcome one home.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 27-Jul-02.