The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10680   Message #75487
Posted By: Llanfair
04-May-99 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: Favorite Flowers and yard decor
Subject: RE: Favorite Flowers and yard decor
I was all ready to go to work when Isaw this thread. I suppose I'm going to be late now. it's 8-30 am ish. My house is built into the hillside, so the top of the garden overlooks our roof, and everyone else's in the town. I have a greenhouse up there, which is full of fuchsias, geraniums, and vegetable seedlings waiting to go out in June, when all danger of frost is past. There are two grapevines in there as well. I am creating a potager in the garden, little bits of this and that in each raised bed. Because it,s such a long haul up the garden, Ikeep a few chickens and a couple of geese up there so i can compost their poo and eat the eggs. It;s about as self sufficient and ecologically sound as I can get whilst I still work full time. Having said that, I'd better get there soon. or I won't have a job!! Hwyl, Bron.