The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10686   Message #75498
Posted By: Helen
04-May-99 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Circus Music
Subject: RE: Circus Music
Okay, John,

I've found a couple of things.

Midi file and gif file of Puddleglum's Misery. When you listen to the midi try to imagine it being played with a bit more swing to the rhythm, kind of like the Elephant's Walk, slower but also a bit more emphasis on the first note of each bar.

Then there is an ABC file of Jump at the Sun.



X:1 T:Jump at the Sun C:John Kilpatrick M:6/8 K:Dm L:1/8 DFA ^G2 A|DFA ^G2 A|dAA dAA|BAG FGE|\ DFA ^G2 A|DFA ^G2 A|dAA BAG|FGE D3 :| |: dAA def|eAA gfe|dAA def|eAA B2 A|\ dAA def|eAA gfe|dAA BAG|FGE D3 :|

Source 037 Opus Pocus John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris

Or there is the Nottingham Database, with it's own format for writing out the tunes, similar but different to ABC.

It looks like John Kirkpatrick wrote both these tunes. I know someone in our session group who has them in a book of fiddle tunes - I don't the name of it but there are some great tunes in it. I like all of Kirkpatrick's tunes in it but I can't remember what the other ones are called.
