The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49894   Message #755234
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
26-Jul-02 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: hindero horo
Subject: RE: hindero horo
The only Irish (Gaelic) song that I can think of that might fit this description is Hinderó Horó, recorded by Máire Ní Chathasaigh back in 1985. She got it from a collection (unspecified) published by Sean Og O Tuama, who, when asked, said that he had the words from a Father O'Flynn(!) of Cork but was unwilling to admit where the tune came from. Máire subsequently found a text attributed to Donncha Og O hlairthe, "a minor poet of the 18th century", (West Cork) which, however, entirely omitted the Hinderó Horó refrain. Her conclusion was that it was probably a later interpolation, perhaps by Sean Og, who "set an enormous number of traditional poems in Irish to airs of his own composition, which are now widely believed to be traditional". She suspects that the tune was made by him in the Scottish style, and the Scottish refrain added by him also.

Reference: The New Strung Harp, Máire Ní Chathasaigh, Temple Records TP019, 1985. Available now on CD.