The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49848   Message #755242
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jul-02 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: Help: Doctoral Day Dreams
Subject: RE: Help: Doctoral Day Dreams
Well, danged, this one is easy 'nuff. I'd do a socio-psycho- anthropological of the Catbox. Yep, complete with cast/case anylisis of some of the "core characters". AND you know you are!!! Hey, quit lookin' at the other folks 'cause I'm talkin to you...

Yeah, then you'd have to call me Dr. Boney Hillbilly and I know just who would be the first to PM me with some story about an ache or pain that other docs counldn't figure out. No names, but we all know who you are... Hmmmmmmmm? Okay, it's just IBS. Take some aloe vera and leave me to my more important work...

Dr. Bobert