The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49882   Message #755261
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
26-Jul-02 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
Helloo, 9I am back now), i have just realised i have met everybody in this thread exept Gary Stephens, Jeri And MMMario, but this is ok because me and Gary 9Skipjack8) are going to flie a plane to America, for the big international mudcat gathering 9Eric the Viking is going to hire a plane, and me and Gary are going to fly it) I have never flied a plane before , but i am definetley willing to have a try, i think the hardest bit is getting it in the sky, after that it is just like driving a car. If any inglish mudcat peepol want to go then just see me or eric or Gary, .I don't know whoich airport we are going from yet, but Umberside is probably best 9it is neeerest for me and Gary) I think we can even have a couple of bears while we are flying it, because there is nothing to crash into and no police to pull you up and gibe you hassle.john