The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49882   Message #755395
Posted By: ossonflags
27-Jul-02 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
Hi Nancy king welcome to the drivel pool.We also extend fraternal greetings to all our Colonial Comrades,and wish for a long and meaningfull relationship with y'all!

How wierd is this then? im from 'ull and been to America AND drank bear there AND have relations on the pacific seaboard AND have had two of Punch the Horses CDs (the band me and oakley play in ) played on local wireless (radio you would call it) as we speak our latewst CD "Andy's for Sevan" is being played somewere in Carolina.

ps. I am told that in America they have white bear,is this true?