The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10702   Message #75607
Posted By: Vixen
04-May-99 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Playford, et al.
Subject: Playford, et al.

I have just returned from a prolonged and intrepid forum search--I'm seeking information/history behind the songs compiled in a collection a friend of mine referred to as "Playford."

The forum search timed out on Playford and playford, but when I searched on history, I got a flock of entries. I have gleaned from them the following titles I think would be appropriate:

Traditional Songs and Singers, Ossian's Folksongs and Ballads, Handfull of Pleasant Delights, and The British Broadside Ballad and Its Music.

Will any of these give me histories of the Playford tunes? Any ideas what or who Playford was and if it's a book where I might find it???

Any help is, as always, gratefully appreciated!!!