The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49971   Message #756868
Posted By: Grab
30-Jul-02 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Subject: RE: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
This is the same Saddam Hussein who was *put* *in* *power* by the US. The same Saddam Hussein who was called "a man we can work with" by the US. And having put a megalomaniac dictator in power, it's now apparently OK to blitz his countrymen.

I would say that someone needs to remind these guys of the phrase "as ye reap, so shall ye sow". 9/11 should be enough of a lesson for anyone of what happens when you fuck over entire countries. When you reckon that 9/11 was done by a small group of determined men, the thought of what a large group of similarly determined men could do scares the hell out of me.

By all means attack the cause of the problem, which is Hussein and his cronies. Afghanistan shows how much support an unpopular leadership gets when there's a real campaign to remove them. But the typical US action of high-level bombing is unethical, and the inevitable death toll amongst ordinary Iraqis will just drive them against the US.
