The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49971   Message #757091
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Jul-02 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Subject: RE: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
BTW, regarding the philosophy of "why don't we get rid of Saddam before he does" whatever....

That was the central philosophy of Lapp-Goche, a fictional self-defense system advertised in a humorous ad by National Lampoon back in the 70's. Its main premise was: the world is full of potentially violent people who may attack you without warning at any time! What do you do about it? Learn Lapp-Goche, master 150 or so techniques of brutally killing people, and get them first, before they have a chance to get you. Pre-emptive strike, baby!

See that mailman heading for your door? One ugly customer! He could be a killer with a letter bomb, so shoot that sucker through the letter slot before he gets the chance.

See all those jerks in that bar downtown? Potential robbers and muggers, all of get some plastic explosive, plant it behind the bar at midnight and blow 'em all to hell!

The town will thank you afterwards...

Most likely by putting you in an asylum...or executing you, if you happen to be in Texas or certain other places.

Unfortunately, there is no world tribunal with the authority and the means to arrest and incarcerate American politicians for conspiracy to commit homicide on a mass basis. If there were, I imagine the USA might have to do a pre-emptive strike and "take them suckers out" in order to keep the world "safe for democracy".

- LH