The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49955   Message #757254
Posted By: Amos
30-Jul-02 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT CD VII: Silver Songs At Daybreak!
Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VII: Silver Songs At Daybreak!
Well, so far, Amergin's poem got missed and Giac's tape apparently got eaten byt postal workers or stolen for higher use by aliens en route. I dunno.

Awaiting other comments if any.

Also waiting for Mick's thongs (thilly boy!) andf Max' remarks or conclusions on logistics.

You STILL have a window of time in which to sing, tape and send if you ACT NOOOWWW!!

Don't miss this chance to have your own singing heart transmitted around the Blue Planet!!

Git on boarrrrd!!

Luv y'aall.