The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49994   Message #757357
Posted By: JenEllen
31-Jul-02 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
Well.....I hesitated to say anything before, but Angus has a NEW favourite song. He insisted that I call his "Auntie Kat" so she could hear it first, before I spilled the beans.....

...While recording Lane's tape, we hit the spot where Mag sings Waltzing With Bears and his ears perked right up. Yup, you guessed it. The mutt now "Worf Worf Worfzses" with bears. All of the sudden his head is swelling up so big his collar hardly fits anymore, he wants a star on his food bowl, and Sully is contracting to be his agent: "Hey, man, 10% of the people-food you get, that's my take..."

I tried explaining to him that he's hardly likely to make it big singing folk music, but he just gives me the puppy-eyed look that says "You don't have to be a star, baby, to be in my show." Hopeless creature.