The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50018   Message #757422
Posted By: alanabit
31-Jul-02 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?
Subject: RE: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?
To work without a car means you are working on several assumptions. As has been previously stated, it assumes that either PA will always be provided or that you can make a living doing acoustic gigs. The other assumption is that the place where you sleep will always be within walking distance of the the place you play if there is no public transport available. I sure don't drive for fun - you have to be pretty strange to do that in Germany - but the number of gigs open to me is far fewer and the time and and hassle spent reaching them is far greater when I do not have a car. Even busking is a real drag without a car. Carrying a guitar, drum and the rest of my gear around is possible - but believe me no fun - on public transport. It is also extremely rude and inconsiderate to other travellers to enter crowded trains and buses at peak hours with that much equipment. Let's face it, you are not going to go busking when only a few people are around! I could write you a book on this one, but the strongest memory on the subject which comes to mind is of a hot afternoon in Italy somewhere, walking for miles laden with a drum, guitar and travelling bag. The free and easy busking life! "Never this way again", I cursed at the time. Get a good reliable bus, preferably with a matress and some cooking facilities in it. You don't (and won't) need to sleep in it every night. It's got the edge over all the alternatives. I can summon up no nostalgia for the old days at all!