The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10706   Message #75771
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-May-99 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Bet & Kat need a name for performing! Help!
Subject: RE: Bet & Kat need a name for performing! Help!
Golly Kat, it's hard to come up with names. First ya gotta decide "Am I goin' for "cute" or "witty"? (ie. Casper's Phrendly Phoaks) Then you start realising that half your audience won't get the joke. If you go for for sincere and descriptive (ie. "Windy Mt. Family Band") it sort of sounds like the Von Trapps with banjos. You could go with "Cool Hand Uke", or buy that darned instrument that's still hangin on the wall here in Toronto and be the "Tipling Sisters". Or how about a little contemporary "punk"? "Too Cool to Strum". or "Scruggs ate My Uke".

Better get outta here 'fore I do some real damage.

Rick (who wishes he had a folkier name)