The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49882   Message #757800
Posted By: Micca
31-Jul-02 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
Hi Banjo flower, I didnt know you frivolled!!!!
brid widder, the "transponders" call a certain part of the male anatomy a "wang"!!! it certainly added a certain spice to a wellknown company of adding macine and electronics engineers!!!!
so, 'ullites do it in ponds!!!! Druids do it in Groves and Witches do it in Circles!!!
Outdoors is not all its cracked up to be, sunburn of delicate parts, ouch!!!!