The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50018   Message #757928
Posted By: Marion
01-Aug-02 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?
Subject: RE: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?
Oh, and about rental cars... the problem there is that you need not only a driver's licence (which I have) but a credit card, which is another thing I've managed to avoid so far.

It is a bit of a dilemma; I wouldn't consider asking favours from friends to be a sustainable solution, and even if someone gave me a car free I'd have to buy it things, which would mean getting a better job, which would mean not having time to devote myself to music, which would mean not needing a frigging car.

However, I'm looking into my city's car coop - that might be the answer.
