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Thread #49971   Message #758151
Posted By: Amos
01-Aug-02 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Subject: RE: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Today's Times discusses the debate on the Hill as to whether the Executive Branch does or does not already have the right to launch this pre-meditated violent excursion into Iraq without further permission from the Congress of the United States.

This man looks more and more outlaw the longer he stays in office.

Unless there is credible evidence of "mass destruction" weaponry in Iraq, or some other concrete aggression against the US, we are doping something we haven't done since the Indian Wars -- openly discussing intentional encroachment against another country with whom we are not at war.

The only decent thing to do, if this folly is going to go ahead, is to have a declaration of war issued by Congress against the person of Saddam and the nation he leads. No, I take it back, that would not be decent. But at least it would be more honest than this shell-game, in which the stakes are so high for so many.