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Thread #49971   Message #758206
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
01-Aug-02 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Subject: RE: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Of course, Sadam could defuse the entire situation by making a big show of actually complying with the agreement he signed after losing the war. Invite in CNN, Time Magazine, and Dan Rather to tour the suspect facilities, thus showing the World he's not producing doomsday weapons.

And Hawk, sure Israel could toast Iraq in a nuke-out. And maybe every other mid-east power who are hiding nukes under the carpet could jump in to the fray. That's THEIR problem, right? We only have to deal with the little aftereffects like a toxic atmosphere, radiation poisoning on a world-wide scale, nuclear winter, a vast poisoned desert from Italy to Southeast Asia.

How to deal with outlaw nations who threaten the stability of the world with nuclear weapons? Do you appeal to their better nature, hoping that reason will convince them to pull the plug on their new toys? Maybe you could bribe them not to use them?

It is past time when an international forum should have been created to deal with nuclear proliferation among third world countries consumed by religious blood-feuds with their neighbors, or simply led by monomaniacs who would rather push the button than be deposed. I think the United States has a moral obligation to its people and to the rest of the world to lead the way in creating such an organization.

Now...go ahead and take some pot shots at me. Then show me a better way.