The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34326   Message #758664
Posted By: GUEST,A Scottish Guest
02-Aug-02 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
Subject: RE: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
I'm no fan of the IRA or any of the other factions over there but it has to be remembered that at one time the IRA was actually an honourable group. That was, of course, before they started to take joy in blowing up innocents and having a raqueteering business ruining the lives of the common, working people. Nowadays, they're scum I'm afraid - no friend of the working class.

Some of the funny songs were written in the early years. Every war has funny songs written about it - a stress reliever, perhaps? Most of us here don't know what it's like to be in a war or to be a soldier. Especially the Americans don't understand strife and suffering. Anyway, the songs should be taken for the time they were written. Michael Collins would turn in his grave if he could see the state the IRA is in today.

Also, please, we don't like to be called 'Brits'. Only Americans say that.