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Thread #49971   Message #758674
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Aug-02 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Subject: RE: BS: Orwellian Newspeak in Amerika - 2002
Gosh, Peg, Fox sounds exactly like the Toronto Sun...the dumbest newspaper in Canada. Its editors, I assume, wake up and cry every morning because Canada has not yet become the 51st state of the USA...

They certainly give that impression anyway. America would have to start burning millions of white virgins in concentration camps before they would get the notion to offer any criticism of US policy.

Curiously enough, the Toronto Sun is the chosen paper of the most poorly educated, the unemployed, the welfare cases, those at the bottom of the heap...check out any donut shop and see what 99% of such people are reading. What is truly odd about that is: the Sun constantly dumps on those very people, specially welfare cases...they just HATE welfare cases...yet those are the very people who READ the Sun.

Ironical, isn't it? Of course, the Sun dumps on intellectuals too, and they DON'T read it, except in utter contempt.

The front page normally is emblazoned with an almost naked woman...or a hideous murder incident...or something else violent or sensational.

- LH